Article: The link between imposter syndrome and midlife.

The link between imposter syndrome and midlife.
And how lifestyle changes and herbal heroes can help soothe our bodies and minds.
The story behind the discovery of ‘imposter syndrome’.
The research team that identified what we now call imposter syndrome was led by two female psychologists called Pauline Rose Clance and Suzanne Imes. In a paper published in 1978 they also identified three influencing factors we talk less about:
It affects women far more than men
It is more likely to occur the more we achieve
It is also likely to increase with age
At the time their paper was released less was known about the psychological impact of menopause and even less about the impact external stress can have on our hormones and our menopause symptoms too. Reading it today, it is impossible not to make the link that the subjects studied were very likely to be managing the perfect storm of career progression, personal responsibilities, societal standards of women and more, unaware of the influence their biochemistry would be having on their sense of self and self-worth.
Why do we struggle more with anxiety and confidence in midlife and beyond?
There are a number of factors that are likely to influence the risk of increased anxiety in midlife, which in turn impacts our confidence and how we see ourselves:
That hormone roller coaster We now know that oestrogen and progesterone fluctuations influence the production of a number of neurotransmitters including serotonin and dopamine, which means we’re biochemically less able to feel pleasure and joy.
Poor sleep Did you know a bad night’s sleep leads to increased cortisol production? And bad sleep leads to feelings of anxiety. In turn, knowing that we’ve lost sleep is in itself an external stressor, leading to a vicious cycle where anxiety creates anxiety. Finally cortisol upsets blood sugar balance and insulin resistance..which, you guessed it, impacts sleep.
Blood sugar imbalance When we are feeling stressed, our bodies don’t differentiate between the tiger outside the cave and our lives today. Instead our brain signals for an energy burst to escape the threat, which means we often turn to ultra processed food for a quick sugar hit. Ultra Processed Foods have huge implications for our health span. But new research shows that they are even more damaging to us in midlife and beyond because they increase our risk of conditions like cardiovascular disease and Type 2 diabetes that we are already more at risk of as a result of our transition from perimenopause to postmenopause.
Gut microbiota diversity Research now shows the impact menopause can have on the diversity of good bacteria in our gut. Early symptoms include bloating, a change in bowel movements, reflux and perhaps new intolerances to food too. Left untreated, these symptoms can lead to inflammation across our body with real implications for our long-term health.
It is also true that, if you’ve struggled with anxiety prior to menopause, you may be more prone to experiencing anxiety as your body shifts to Part 2.
So, what can we do to support our bodies and minds at this time?
Speak to your doctor. If you’re feeling anxious or you feel imposter syndrome is impacting your quality of life, it’s critical that you speak to your doctor first and receive a medical perspective on the support you may need to return your body and mind to balance.
Prioritize rest. Sleep is not always available to us in the way it was before our menopause transition. But there are many ways we can achieve rest. Rather than just focus on sleep hygiene - consider other tools that may help you feel re-energized. Yoga Nidra can be a wonderful way to replenish. Check out INSIGHT TIMER for some great, free guided practices.
Breathe deep. One of the swiftest ways to support our bodies when we experience anxiety, is to introduce a daily breathwork practice. Just 10 minutes a day can be enough to give you the ‘tool’ to turn to in the moment when anxiety or stress hits. We love the simplicity of box breathing. Check out this easy tutorial HERE to learn more.
Focus on the gut. The great thing about food is that it can have a significant impact on how we feel. We hold control in our hands (literally!) for what we put on our plates in midlife. Look to anti-inflammatory food and a diet rich in probiotics and prebiotics. Increase fiber intake and decrease your intake of ultra-processed foods. If you’re struggling with symptoms associated with a troubled gut microbiota, talk to us about MPowder's 5 star capsule GUT INSTINCT and how to introduce it to your daily routine just before you eat.
Harness the best researched herbal heroes: Ashwagandha is classed as an adaptogen in herbal medicine and research has shown it can be incredibly effective in helping manage anxiety but also sleep quality and focus too. We love to blend it with Lemon Balm which also has a strong body of evidence to support its value in calming our minds, lifting mood and supporting sleep. Its soothing impact seems to work by increasing GABA levels in the brain. Finally curcumin, one of the powerful actives in turmeric, has been shown to influence the production of dopamine and serotonin. Mother Nature always prefers to work synergistically! And our job is to make supplementation easy for you! Harness all of these herbal heroes in MPowder's best selling capsule formula MOOD FOOD. Ask us about it now.
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